Friday, September 28, 2012

A Day in the Life--Turning 4

This little monkey of ours is a joy and keeps us so busy sometimes it's hard to keep up. 

I have a tradition (well I try) to take a picture of the kids first thing when they wake up on their birthdays and right when they go to bed. 

 At the park we saw snapping turtles while we were feeding geese.  I've never seen them come up so close and eat! Then there was climbing to be had adn moment of quiet contemplation.  And to put an end to our park outing, he went "fishing" which turned into wading. Sigh.

Lemon cake with raspberry cream cheese frosting and lemon curd and whip cream.  Very tasty. Phone calls from cousins and grandparents and cousins.  It was  very good day. 
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Monday, September 24, 2012

First Day of School (a little late)

I was out of town for the first day of school this year.  I asked Scott if he would please take a picture of the kids.  Here they are all ready to go! The kids are now in 6th grade, 4th grade, 1st grade and two 1/2 days of preschool.  They were happy to get back to see friends and have time apart! 
The following pictures are from our school swim party.  They are a crazy bunch.
We have been at this school long enough that Liz is now as tall as our fabulous 1st grade teacher! How did that happen that she got so big?
Spencer the fearless. At almost 4 it is sometime a bit scary to watch what he will do without even blinking an eye.  Sigh.  Never a dull moment.

Ian learning to dive, well actually more bellyflopping happened but it's a start!
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