Sunday, January 24, 2010

January Goals

I have broken up the year into what I hope will be manageable goals. I have tons of things to do but find myself getting weary of deadlines. So, in the next week I need to finish up some projects to stay on target and not fall any farther behind.

I need to make 5 aprons and bind 1 baby quilt and one week.

Somehow the time will magically appear right? Between the full time job of SAHM and a class at college and various service projects I'm sure there is time. This sounds like I need some serious time management and no iPhone play time!

I've also added one more twin quilt for the year that has to be done by June. Sooner if possible. Picture this in blues and greens and one in yellows and oranges. Good times.


  1. 15 minute chunks work great if you cannot carve out an hour at a time.

  2. I love those triangles!
    Good luck with everything on your list.
